Swift Waters Elementary School

556 King St W, Brockville, ON K6V 0A7, Canada
  • Principal: Sarah Stone
  • Vice Principal: Mike Crawford
  • Office Administrator: Debbie Bradley


* Please refer to the tile below called 'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION' that provides links to a wide variety of information about this school.

Collapse description Grade Structure and Feeder Group of Schools
  • Grade Structure: JK - 6
  • Program(s) Offered: Early French Immersion / Regular Core French
  • Feeder Group of Schools: Brockville

The grade range of this school, the program(s) offered (at elementary schools), the feeder group of schools that it belongs to (ie. the Intermediate/Secondary school into which its students transition.), and the Trustee Ward that it belongs to.

Collapse description Additional Information
  • Click here to access more information on this school, such as accessibility information, detailed enrolment and facility summaries, maps and much more.
  • Click here to access Programs offered in UCDSB.

Click on the links above to access more information about this school and the Upper Canada District School Board. NOTE: If you are prompted to "sign-up" with Dropbox to access this information, please close the dialogue box and proceed. You do not need to be a member of drop-box to access this information.


Collapse description
School Capacity - OTG 504

OTG means "On-the Ground" capacity and represents the total permanent pupil places in the school as reported, as of October 2023, in the Ministry of Education's School Facilities System.


Collapse description School Building Details
  • Date of Construction: 2024

Note: Date of construction refers to the original structure and does not include additions that may have occurred since that time.

Collapse description Energy, Water, Ventilation Reports
  • The Upper Canada District School Board provides regulatory documentation reports on energy consumption details for the board, water quality information and the status of ventilation at each school.

    Click here to view.

Visit the link above to view additional facility regulatory documentation.


Collapse description
Single Parents
(Board Average)
41.4% (28.7%)

The proportion of the community's families with a single parent (with children at home). Source: Census 2021

Collapse description
Labour Force: Unemployed
(Board Average)
13.3% (8.7%)

The proportion of the community's labour force that are unemployed (Ages 15+). Source: Census 2021

Collapse description
Prevalence of Low Income (Ages 0-17)
(Board Average)
2.4% (1.6%)

The proportion of the community's population (ages 0-17) living in a household with an income below a threshold calculated by Stats. Can. using median after-tax income and household size. Source: Census 2021

Collapse description
Population With No High School Diploma
(Board Average)
11.4% (9.9%)

The proportion of the community's population that did not complete high school (Ages 25-64). Source: Census 2021

Collapse description
(Board Average)
13.7% (10.3%)

The proportion of the community's population that move in the year prior to the Census. Source: Census 2021