St. Lawrence Secondary School

1450 Second St. E., Cornwall, ON K6H 5Z8
  • Principal: Ryne Gove
  • Vice Principal: Carrie McDonell/Natasha Mentore
  • Office Administrator: Marilyn Pyke-Legroulx
  • Phone: (613) 933-8410


* Please refer to the tile below called 'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION' that provides links to a wide variety of information about this school.

Collapse description Grade Structure and Feeder Group of Schools
  • Grade Structure: 7 - 12
  • Program(s) Offered: Early French Immersion / Regular Core French
  • Feeder Group of Schools: Cornwall
  • Trustee Ward: 8

The grade range of this school, the program(s) offered (at elementary schools), the feeder group of schools that it belongs to (ie. the Intermediate/Secondary school into which its students transition.), and the Trustee Ward that it belongs to.

Collapse description Staff Summary
  • Total FTE: 70.9
  • Teaching FTE: 45.3
  • All Other FTE: 25.6

FTE, ('Full Time Equivalent') indicates the total number of active staff, including those working partial hours, represented as full time status, effective October 2023. 'All Other Staff' refers to the sum of non-teaching, administrative, and support/itinerant staff.

Collapse description Non-Teaching Staff Summary
  • Non-Teaching FTE: 10.0
  • Administrative FTE: 3.1
  • Support/Itinerant FTE: 12.5

Breakdown of active non-teaching staff into Administration, Classroom Support/Itinerant, and Other full time equivalency. Count of FTE is effective October 2023 and can change throughout the year.

Collapse description Additional Information
  • Click here to access more information on this school, such as accessibility information, detailed enrolment and facility summaries, maps and much more.
  • Click here to access Programs offered in UCDSB.

Click on the links above to access more information about this school and the Upper Canada District School Board. NOTE: If you are prompted to "sign-up" with Dropbox to access this information, please close the dialogue box and proceed. You do not need to be a member of drop-box to access this information.


Collapse description
Enrolment History - Actuals 755

Enrolments shown represent preliminary headcounts for October 31, 2023 and may vary slightly as these data become finalized over the course of the school year. Hover over the data points in the graph to see the total school enrolment by year.

Collapse description
Utilization - Oct. 31st 2023
(Utilization - Oct. 2022)
98% (90%)

Total enrolment as a % of permanent pupil spaces (OTG Capacity) in the school. The alternate value provided in brackets represents the previous year's utilization figure. Intermediate and Secondary enrolments and capacity are combined for grades 7-12 schools.

Collapse description
School Capacity - OTG 770

OTG means "On-the Ground" capacity and represents the total permanent pupil places in the school as reported, as of October 2023, in the Ministry of Education's School Facilities System.

Collapse description Portables On Site
  • Portables: 0

As reported in the Ministry of Education School Facilities System, as of November 2023.

Collapse description
Surplus Student Spaces 15

The extent to which the school's 2023 enrolment compares to its (OTG) Capacity. A negative value indicates a shortfall of permanent pupil spaces compared to total school capacity (excluding portables). A positive value indicates surplus pupil places compared to total school capacity.

Collapse description
Cross Boundary Regular Program Inflow
(% of Enrolment)
73 (11%)

Number of pupils in the Regular program who attend the school but live in another school's boundary (Updated Fall 2023).

Collapse description
Cross Boundary Regular Program Outflow
(% of Residents)
75 (11.4%)

Number of pupils in the Regular program who live in a school's boundary but choose to attend another school (Updated Fall 2023).

Collapse description
Indigenous Self-Identification
(Board Average)
4.1% (3.7%)

The percentage of the school's 2023 enrolment that have self-identified as being of Indigenous descent within the Student Information System.


Collapse description School Building Details
  • Date of Construction: 1973
  • Size of School Site: 8.34 Hectares
  • Building Area: 12106.00 Sq. m.

Note: Date of construction refers to the original structure and does not include additions that may have occurred since that time.

Collapse description Room Details
  • Regular Classrooms: 36
  • Other Areas: 10

"Other areas" include resource rooms, specialized music rooms, gymnasia and other permanent specialized spaces as identified in the Ministry's former School Facilities Inventory System (October 2022) . Does not include portable classrooms. Updates to rooms resulting from 2023 completed construction are accounted for. The 2024-25 School Information Profiles will utilize Ministry’s new inventory system (ECIS) once transition from SFIS is completed.

Collapse description
Facility Condition Index (FCI)
(FCI Average)
66.5% (30.5%)

Facility Condition Index (FCI) indicates the overall repair needs of the school building compared to the replacement cost of the building. Generally speaking, a lower % FCI represents an overall better building condition compared to a higher % FCI. The alternate figure provided in brackets represents the average FCI of all UCDSB school buildings overall. Source of FCI is from VFA, Ministry of Education - Asset - Comparable FCI (5 Yr) is Ministry assessed year plus 4 concurrent years. (FCI Average is the average of school facilities listed in the School Information Profiles). Data Effective: Fall 2023

Collapse description
Per Pupil Utility Costs
(Board Average)
$282.19 ($271.88)

Total 2022-23 utility costs (heating, electricity, and water) of the school divided by total enrolment, effective October 2023. Value displayed is dollars per pupil.

Collapse description
Per Sq. M. Utility Costs
(Board Average)
$17.60 ($19.01)

Total 2022-23 utility costs (heating, electricity, and water) of the school divided by total school footprint in square metres. Value is dollars per square metre. Data effective October 2023.

Collapse description Energy, Water, Ventilation Reports
  • The Upper Canada District School Board provides regulatory documentation reports on energy consumption details for the board, water quality information and the status of ventilation at each school.

    Click here to view.

Visit the link above to view additional facility regulatory documentation.

Collapse description
Community Use - Hours
(Board Average)
818.0 (383.4)

Number of hours of community use recorded at the school is based on Booking Report data system for a 12 month period ending June 30, 2023. Symbol indicates whether school has above average, average, or below average community usage compared to the Board average.


Collapse description Proximity to School
  • Shortest Distance: 0.2 km
  • Longest Distance: 29.4 km
  • Average Distance: 3.1 km

The shortest, longest, and average distance, in kilometers, of the distance between a student's home address to the school. Based on data from STEO, November 2023.

Collapse description
Transportation - Walk to School 393 (52.5%)

Total number and percent of students who walk to school. Based on data from STEO, November 2023.

Collapse description
Transportation - Eligible 281 (37.5%)

Number and percent of students that are eligible for transportation under the school board policy. Based on data from STEO, November 2023.

Collapse description
Transportation - Not Eligible 75 (10.0%)

Number and percent of students that are not eligible for transportation under the school board policy. Based on data from STEO, November 2023.

Collapse description Transportation - Length of Bus Ride
  • Shortest: 3 minute(s)
  • Longest: 49 minute(s)
  • Average: 11.8 minute(s)

The shortest, longest, and average school bus ride times for students to the school (in minutes). Based on data from STEO, November 2023.


Collapse description
Birth Trend - 6 Year +2%

The change in the average number of births per year. Calculated by comparing the most recent 3 years vs. the 3 years before that.

Collapse description
Population Pressure +8.5%

The difference in size between the group of children that will be entering the school over the next 3 years vs. the group moving on to a higher schooling level.

Collapse description
Migration +2.0%

A measure of the net impact of families moving in and out of this catchment area annually, based on the 5 year average.

Collapse description
Single Parents
(Board Average)
39.2% (28.7%)

The proportion of the community's families with a single parent (with children at home). Source: Census 2021

Collapse description
Labour Force: Unemployed
(Board Average)
11.1% (8.7%)

The proportion of the community's labour force that are unemployed (Ages 15+). Source: Census 2021

Collapse description
Prevalence of Low Income (Ages 0-17)
(Board Average)
5.3% (1.6%)

The proportion of the community's population (ages 0-17) living in a household with an income below a threshold calculated by Stats. Can. using median after-tax income and household size. Source: Census 2021

Collapse description
Population With No High School Diploma
(Board Average)
15.4% (9.9%)

The proportion of the community's population that did not complete high school (Ages 25-64). Source: Census 2021

Collapse description
(Board Average)
11.7% (10.3%)

The proportion of the community's population that move in the year prior to the Census. Source: Census 2021

Collapse description
Home Language Not English
(Board Average)
14.3% (17.5%)

The proportion of the community's population that does not speak English at home. Source: Census 2021